Frequency: Very Common;
If the Attorney Worksheet has been properly filled and accepted, but the form's Prepare section (if any) is still completely blank, there are two possibilities:
The form was prefilled with N/A. Please remove N/A and refresh the website. User Guide: Auto-Fill N/A & Removal
The Person Other section in the Petitioner/Beneficiary worksheet was not filled properly.
Please find the Petitioner/Beneficiary's worksheet as shown below:
For Individual Petitioner/Individual Beneficiary, please locate the Person Other section and select "Do you have an Attorney or Representative prepare the forms for you?" as YES.
For a Company Petitioner, please locate the Basic Info Section and Item Signatory Statement. Check the box that says "A preparer will prepare forms for me."
Tips: Default Setting of Form Statement.
Also, you may set the Default selection for all future cases via: User Guide: How to Set Client Statement as Default
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