The Messages section allows attorneys to communicate both internally (with staff) or externally (with clients).
Attorneys can post an announcement (Seen by All), message a specific client (Seen by petitioner/individual), or take internal case notes (Seen by Attorney).
This function can be found in the case file and all messages will send email notifications to the recipients.
Send Messages
1. In the Messages section, attorneys can send messages both internally and externally.

2. When attorneys message a specific participant, other participants, in this case, cannot see the messages. Even if an attorney makes an announcement to all, client's response to the attorney message will not be shared with other participants.

Recall a Message:
The message can be recalled by clicking 'Recall'.
Once recalled, the receiver will not able to see the content of the message.
The Recipients:
In the Messages, there are 4 different recipients you may choose from. Here is the visibility of a message to different recipients.
a. All: all case participants will see this message.
To be specific, they are:
All attorneys have accessibility to such case;
The Applicant or the Beneficiary of such case; (as the recipient)
The petitioner of such case (if applicable) (as the recipient)
b. Only Individual: The Beneficiary/Applicant and Attorneys
To be specific, they are:
All attorneys have accessibility to such case (as the sender);
The applicant or the beneficiary of such case. (as the recipient)
c. Only Petitioner: The Petitioner and Attorney
To be specific, they are:
All attorneys have accessibility to such case (as the sender);
The petitioner of such case (if applicable) (as the recipient)
Note: In a case without a petitioner account, "Only Petitioner" is an invalid recipient.
d. Only Attorney:
All attorneys have accessibility to such cases ONLY.
Note: You can use the “Only Attorney“ option to take notes.
See Video:

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